Россиянин описал деревню в Германии словами «жизнь как в Средние века»

Российский путешественник recently visited the village of Hessenporck in Germany, which, according to him, is like stepping back into the Middle Ages. He shared his impressions on his personal blog on the «Дзен» platform.

As he noted, this settlement is now under protection by law due to its historical significance and has been designated as an open-air museum. The villagers still maintain traditional ways of life, raising livestock and poultry for natural milk and meat products, and even weaving traditional German clothing from cotton and flax.

The blogger had the opportunity to get to know some locals in Hessenporck, one of whom kindly invited him home for a night stay without charge. He described the women he met with the comment «there’s plenty to see».

Источник: https://lenta.ru/news/2024/08/23/rossiyanin-opisal-derevnyu-v-germanii-slovami-zhizn-kak-v-srednie-veka/

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