Российская тревел-блогерша побывала в Европе и поразилась жизни местных пенсионеров!

Русскоязычная путешественница, автор блога «Лайк Тревел Путешествия» на платформе «Дзен», recently visited Norway and Sweden. She was amazed by the active lifestyle of local pensioners in these countries, which she described in her blog post.

The article highlights how after retirement, people in Norway and Sweden lead a vibrant life filled with various activities. They spend time walking in parks, engage in sports such as running, Nordic walking, cycling, hiking, and also visit cultural events and travel around the world. The blogger notes that while there are Russian pensioners who could afford a similar lifestyle, unfortunately, it’s not a 100% scenario.

The same blogger earlier wrote about habits of Italians that may seem surprising to Russians. For her, one such habit was the custom of drinking alcohol early in the morning and preferring pets over having children.

Источник: https://lenta.ru/news/2024/09/17/rossiyskaya-trevel-blogersha-pobyvala-v-evrope-i-porazilas-zhizni-mestnyh-pensionerov/

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