Российский тревел-блогер объяснил, почему девушки из Таиланда любят белых мужчин

Русскоязычный тревел-блогер Алексей Кутовой recently visited Thailand and shed light on the affection that local women have for white men. He shared his thoughts in a personal blog post on «Дзен».

According to the author, for many Thais, a white man represents exoticness or an opportunity to experience something they’ve seen in Hollywood movies and social media. Moreover, he noted that confidence is another attractive quality that Western men often possess more of than their Thai counterparts. White people seem more carefree and less restricted by local social norms.

However, the bloger warned that seemingly innocent flirting can sometimes turn out to be a well-thought-out strategy. Many Thai women aspire to financial stability. «Thai girls, like everyone else, want to feel safe and know that their future partner will be able to support them, possibly even a couple of family members,» he emphasized.

It’s worth noting that this is not the first time Koutovy has shared his travel experiences in Thailand. Previously, he compared the train rides there to Russian old suburban electric trains. He bought the cheapest ticket available, which was for third-class seating, where simple Thais usually travel. The ticket cost him 244 baht (approximately 590 rubles).

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Источник: https://lenta.ru/news/2024/09/01/rossiyskiy-trevel-bloger-ob-yasnil-lyubov-devushek-iz-tailanda-k-belym-muzhchinam/

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